Ice Festival

Winter in Mongolia is a remarkable experience for those willing to take themselves outside of their comfort zone. Pack your thermals and come to Mongolia this winter and do something a little out of the ordinary. Khovsgol Nuur National Park comes as a surprise in a country of arid and stark beauty. With Lake Khovsgol (known as Dalai Ej - Mother Sea to Mongolians) at its core, Khovsgol has a wide range of habitats – coniferous forest, open steppe, alpine meadow, high mountains and the lake and lakeshore.

Each March residents of the Huvsgul Lake area celebrate the Festival of Ice. The festival involves a great variety of activities and competitions, including Ice Sumo, ger building with ice, ice skating and sleigh rides, all on or by the shores of the beautiful Lake Huvsgul. This two-day event is also a shamanist ceremony of offering and provides a fascinating insight into the Tsaatan people's way of life. For a trip with a difference!